How to Get Game

How to Get Game With Girls - Articles

How To Get A Woman's Phone Number And Email Address Within Three Minutes Of Meeting Her By David DeAngelo

I'd like to tell you a story...
Let me start off by telling you something truly interesting:

Personally I've stopped focusing on just taking phone numbers. I've found that EMAIL addresses are even better (I still get the phone numbers too, though). Allow me to explain. A few years ago I perfected the art of getting women's phone numbers.
If a woman seems to be single, I can walk up to her and get her number in about a minute or two (if I'm in a hurry). Later I've found out, after working on this like a crazy scientist..... Read more...

How To Call A Woman To Ask Her Out By David DeAngelo

I've got a question for you... When you get a woman's phone number and you're calling her to "ask her out", does it feel uncomfortable?

Do you get freaked out? Do you start thinking about what you're about to say, how you're going to say it, how to deal with her rejection... etc.?

Do you ever get NERVOUS when you're dialing her number? You know that feeling when you start getting anxious for no particular reason, and you just CAN'T control it?

Have you ever had to actually HANG UP the phone because you were so freaked out... and you just couldn't follow through with all this? OK, now a few more questions... Have you ever called some girl, and started talking to her, only to realize that she was in a COMPLETELY different mood from the last time you spoke to her when you've just met? What's going on??? Continue reading...

How to Get Game How To Tell If She's Interested By David DeAngelo

OK, I have a trick question for you. That's right, I said a quick TRICK question.

How can you tell if a woman is interested in you? Answer quickly. So what gives? Why am I asking you a trick question?

Simple. Because I'm trying to make you THINK. I'm sure that just like me, you've read thousands of articles and dating tips that say things like: "If she tilts her head to one side and strokes her neck, that's a sign of interest..." or "If she licks her lips in a longing fashion, that means she's interested in you..." or "If she laughs a lot, makes positive eye contact, and touches you often, then she likes you..." DUH!

I remember when I first read all this stuff. I thought to myself "WOW! I must have been missing these hints because I didn't know to look for them. Now I'll know when a woman is interested in me or not...". Well, there was one little problem... Read the Article...

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So, you want to learn how to pick up & attract women? Here are my
recommendations for 3 classic ebooks you'll probably find VERY interesting:

Double Your Dating - by David DeAngelo
How to Get Game With Girls I owe A LOT of my dating success to this ebook. It was my first exposure to the attraction and seduction world and with time it actually became my bible. I read it at least 4 times by now and every time I get back to it everything becomes even clearer.
If you're NOT one of the lucky thousands of guys who changed their lives from no success with women to big success stories they can brag about to their friends, then you're in for a real treat…
The "Double Your Dating" ebook by the dating guru David DeAngelo is without a doubt the best starting point to guys who are sick and tired of not having smart, beautiful and fun women in their lives and want to get this part of their lives handled once and for all.
I encourage you to give this No.1 very easy to read ebook a try, pay close attention to the advice and tips you get and go out and double your dating… Click here to go to David DeAngelo's website.
(To get into the site you'll need to sign up to his really great FREE newsletter. Personally, I enjoy his newsletters till this day and I highly recommend it to every guy who wants to get better with attracting women. Your email will be safe and you can unsubscribe whenever you want.)

How To Become An Alpha Male - by John Alexander:
"Alpha males naturally attract better-looking girls to them and receive most of the sex, while the lower status males, the beta males (usually 'nice guys',) don’t really attract good looking women to them and get almost nothing.”
Are you an alpha-male or a nice guy? Maybe somewhere in between? Do you even know what alpha-male is? You think it's something that you want to transform yourself into? If you do, (and believe me; you do...) then you REALLY need to give this book a chance.
This classic book was my first exposure to the subject and it completely changed my lonely pathetic life! This is a must-read ebook and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know how to get game with girls. - Check It Out Now!

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How to Get Game With Girls